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Showing posts from May, 2019

Workshops and Exploration

We've been busy in Kapowai Pod.  We had a lot of fun using the apps Brain VR and Quivervision to explore augmented reality during our exploration workshops.  If you want to explore this at home with a smart phone or tablet, check out this video about Quivervision.

Busy Day for Room 5!

What a busy day we have had!   The day started with a visit from Constable Taylor and we learnt all about how to be safe on the road.  We then put this into practice by going up onto the road and practiced how to safely cross the school driveway and the road.  Miss Young was too busy paying attention to the road to take pictures of us practicing! After Road Safety we had a session on Scooter Skills and learnt how to quickly and safely stop ourselves without using the foot brake because that is too slow!  It is called the Elephant Stomp (ask your child to explain or show you what this is). We also had a session with Project Energize today about Healthy food groups and how this food can help our bodies Glow, Grow and Go.  Constable Taylor talking about Road Safety Scooter Skills Scooter Skills Project Energize - Nutrition/Healthy Eating

Project Energize

We have been lucky to have some PE sessions with the guys from Project Energize. Last week we worked on large ball skills using games as a way to learn the skills.  We really enjoy this time as each session is something new.