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Mean words and actions hurt

In Kapowai Pod teachers have been noticing mean words and actions between our students.  As a Pod we discussed how a persons feelings cannot be seen on the outside and that we do not always say how much something hurt us.

To teach this lesson we used 2 identical apples.  One of the apples we said really nice things to and the other we were really mean to (if time had allowed, we would have used mean actions as well), we then apologised to the apple we were mean to.  

We cut the 2 apples open. 

The apple we had been nice to was unfortunately a little bruised (it was meant to be unblemished) but we talked about how sometimes people come to school feeling a little hurt, but mostly this "person" was feeling happy and good. 

The apple we were mean to was very bruised and brown on the inside but looked perfect on the outside.  People may look fine on the outside but are hurt from words or actions that are said or done towards them. 

We also used a tube of toothpaste to teach a very similar lesson.  The mean things we do and say, whether saying "I'm going to tell on you", spreading rumours, telling lies,  saying "you're not my friend", and others of this kind ALL hurt the person they are said to.  Everything that we say cannot be out back, just like how toothpaste, once squeezed out of the tube, cannot be put back in the tube.  No amount of "sorry" can fix what has been said.  We need to keep this in mind.  

We don't want to be toothpaste mouths.  You can still see the container of toothpaste in our classroom. 

Our two apples look identical
Toothpaste pre squeeze

Left (Top)  - Kind words, Right - Mean words

Words we can't put back, just like squeezed toothpaste


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